Friday, October 21, 2016

Game & Info Updated #1

Xharlion artwork by Elomaya
Today I bring to you a very late update post.

-New artwork has been completed.
The artwork can be found in the deviantart group.
-Nearly all essential characters have been mapped out.
All the NPCs have been listed and their concept created. All that's left is actually writing and drawing the concepts to life.
-Published Codex (Visible by clicking the "Lore" tab)
Took a long time to figure out how to get it going. Since Google apparently wants to rule what you can host on iframes, a separate host was needed to host the Codex itself. In the near feature, the Codex will be converted to Flash instead of using HTML.
-Game has been updated and has a sturdy skeleton.
Will post game as soon as repeatable content is written in.