Friday, October 21, 2016

Game & Info Updated #1

Xharlion artwork by Elomaya
Today I bring to you a very late update post.

-New artwork has been completed.
The artwork can be found in the deviantart group.
-Nearly all essential characters have been mapped out.
All the NPCs have been listed and their concept created. All that's left is actually writing and drawing the concepts to life.
-Published Codex (Visible by clicking the "Lore" tab)
Took a long time to figure out how to get it going. Since Google apparently wants to rule what you can host on iframes, a separate host was needed to host the Codex itself. In the near feature, the Codex will be converted to Flash instead of using HTML.
-Game has been updated and has a sturdy skeleton.
Will post game as soon as repeatable content is written in.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Welcome to Terraskund

Where there's always nothing but something in the land of NoWhere. The word "Terraskund" is a play at two words from two different languages. "Terra" is Latin for Land and "Askund" is Albanian for Nowhere, not here, nor there, nor any otherplace. Together, Terraskund; The Land Of Nothing or Nowhere-Land.

The place of high fantasy where humans walk amongst giants, dryads, elves, orcs, goblins, and other such mystical creatures. Will you join in on the adventures exploring this wondrous world filled with colorful characters? Will you be able to survive an encounter with them?

One would only hope.

Project Terraskund

Terraskund is a world invented by 4 friends who usually roleplay. It turned into a world that inspired fictional stories and game plots. This blog will feature said stories and IFs. Head over to the FAQ section for more information.